[mvapich-discuss] Oversubscription support

Maksym Planeta mplaneta at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Mon Oct 26 10:34:25 EDT 2015


I'm interested in using MVAPICH library with oversubscription, i.e. with 
more than one rank per core. In version 2.1 oversubscription worked 
until certain limit and then the library was just breaking because of bugs.

So I updated to 2.2a and found out that the new version contains 
additional checks (for example in function mv2_get_assigned_cpu_core), 
which basically forbids to have more than one rank per core.

Could you tell me the reason for that? Have you ever tried  about 
running MVAPICH with oversubscription? And would you at least consider 
the patches for oversubscription support?

Maksym Planeta

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