[mvapich-discuss] Error in MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv

Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa ppratapa at gatech.edu
Wed Nov 18 14:16:20 EST 2015


I am running a C++ code with MPI 3.0 through mvapich2/2.1.

I use MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv in my code and it needs to be called in every
iteration. I have created a periodic cartesian topology to enable local
communication. I found that this function works correctly for a few
iterations and then fails after that giving the following error:


*[cli_187]: aborting job:Fatal error in PMPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv:Other MPI
error, error stack:PMPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(229).......:
MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(sendbuf=0x2aaac9fa5a20, sendcounts=0x2aaac81f1ab0,
sdispls=0x2aaac81f05d0, sendtype=MPI_DOUBLE, recvbuf=0x2aaac9f96050,
recvcounts=0x2aaac81f4470, rdispls=0x2aaac81f2f90, recvtype=MPI_DOUBLE,
comm=comm=0x84000006, request=0x7fffffPMPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(215).......:
MPIR_Ineighbor_alltoallv_impl(112)..: MPIR_Ineighbor_alltoallv_default(78):
MPID_Sched_recv(599)................: MPIDU_Sched_add_entry(425)..........:
Out of memory*

This happens only when each processor is communicating with all the
processors (or more, since periodic) and the total number of processors is
greater than or equal to 216 (4 nodes). The function works fine for all
other cases I have tested. This happens for both blocking as well as
non-blocking versions. Moreover I encounter this kind of behaviour probably
about 8 out of 10 times I run the code (with the same inputs, commands,
options etc.) and the other 2 times it actually works out successfully. I
have debugged/run memory checks and found no memory leaks.

There was a similar problem I found on this forum which someone else had
experienced, but there seems to be no final response to it:

Please let me know if somebody can help.

Thank you,


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