[mvapich-discuss] problems running osu benchmarks with RDMA CM

Jesus Camacho Villanueva jesus.camacho at fabriscale.com
Wed Mar 25 09:32:31 EDT 2015


I can run osu benchmarks without any problem, but when running them with
the rdma connection manager they crash.
Previously I have been running performance tests for Infiniband using the
rdma connection manager without problems.
Now when using the MV2_USE_RDMA_CM option, I obtain the next output:

# mpirun_rsh -hostfile host -np 2 MV2_USE_RDMA_CM=1 ./osu_acc_latency
src/mpid/ch3/channels/common/src/rdma_cm/rdma_cm.c:210: rdma_connect error
-1 after 20 attempts
: Invalid argument (22)
[compute-0-1.local:mpispawn_1][readline] Unexpected End-Of-File on file
descriptor 5. MPI process died?
[compute-0-1.local:mpispawn_1][mtpmi_processops] Error while reading PMI
socket. MPI process died?
[compute-0-1.local:mpispawn_1][child_handler] MPI process (rank: 1, pid:
20837) exited with status 253
[root at sunshine osu_benchmarks]# [compute-0-0.local:mpispawn_0][read_size]
Unexpected End-Of-File on file descriptor 7. MPI process died?
[compute-0-0.local:mpispawn_0][read_size] Unexpected End-Of-File on file
descriptor 7. MPI process died?
[compute-0-0.local:mpispawn_0][handle_mt_peer] Error while reading PMI
socket. MPI process died?

Can someone help me with this?

Best regards,
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