[mvapich-discuss] mpirexec.hydra "envall" functionality broken across multiple nodes

Mehmet Belgin mehmet.belgin at oit.gatech.edu
Thu Mar 5 19:16:08 EST 2015

Hello all,

We are using modules to setup env variables. However, when I run a MPI code across multiple nodes, the processes crash with errors complaining that they cannot find the dynamic libraries (i.e. bad LD_LIBRARY_PATH). E.g.:

$ mpirun -np 64  hostname
/usr/local/packages/mvapich2/1.9rc1/intel-14.0.2/bin/hydra_pmi_proxy: error while loading shared libraries: libimf.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

libimf.so is provided by intel, and it is in the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH defined by the intel compiler module that is loaded on the node that MPI is launched from. 

I also tried with “-envall” (although I know it is the default) to no avail. 

Here’s the interesting part:  When I include the "module load" statements in .bashrc (or other rc files) it runs without a problem, since they are sourced by the MPI processes upon login. However isn’t mpirun (which points to mpiexec.hydra) supposed to forward all of my env settings on all nodes automatically? I confirmed that the lib path is correct: 

$ env | grep LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ ls /usr/local/packages/intel/compiler/14.0.2/lib/intel64 | grep libimf.so

I will appreciate any help!


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