[mvapich-discuss] Listing of "hidden" MV2 environment variables?

Thompson, Matt (GSFC-610.1)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC] matthew.thompson at nasa.gov
Tue Jan 20 12:09:19 EST 2015


In my recent attempts to diagnose and workaround this issue [1]:

> http://mailman.cse.ohio-state.edu/pipermail/mvapich-discuss/2015-January/005296.html

I've been twiddling various MV2_ environmental knobs by looking at the 
output of MV2_SHOW_ENV_INFO=2 and I eventually realized that that 
setting does not show all environment variables.

For example, it turns out that, at least for one case (the above 336 
process one), MV2_USE_BLOCKING=1 seems to workaround the issue.

However, in a "stock option" run of MVAPICH2 2.1rc1--where 
MV2_USE_BLOCKING=0 is the default setting--MV2_USE_BLOCKING does not 
show up in the listing of MV2_SHOW_ENV_INFO=2. It's only shown if it is 

So, I was wondering, does anyone have a listing of what knobs are 
turnable in MVAPICH2 (say in the User's Guide) but aren't included in 

Or, perhaps, is there a higher value of MV2_SHOW_ENV_INFO that shows 
them (a la I_MPI_DEBUG in Intel MPI)? I tried 3 but nothing really 
happened save the =1 prints.

(Note: Some further testing seems to show that it's actually 
MV2_USE_SHARED_MEM=0 set by MV2_USE_BLOCKING=1 that's helping. More to 


[1] Update: looks like changing MV2_SMP_NUM_SEND_BUFFER and 
MV2_EAGERSIZE_1SC[2] to their Westmere/DDR values do not always solve 
the problem. On 336 cores, it seems to be more reliably halting at all 

[2] Does anyone know what MV2_EAGERSIZE_1SC does? It does not seem to 
exist in the User's Guide.

Matt Thompson          SSAI, Sr Software Test Engr
NASA GSFC, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
Code 610.1, 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: 301-614-6712              Fax: 301-614-6246

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