[mvapich-discuss] Does mvapich2 really support dynamic process management?

马凯 makailove123 at 163.com
Sun Apr 19 10:54:54 EDT 2015

I tried the examples of parent and child in the mvapich2-2.1rc2/examples, but they didn't work.
This is my compile commands:
#mpicc -o parent parent.c
#mpicc -o child child.c

This is my run command:
#mpirun_rsh -np 4 -hostfile hf MV2_SUPPORT_DPM=1 ./parent

And the content of hf is:
This is the IP of IB port on my node.

After run the command, the parent will be stuck. Then I added some output tips, and I found the MPI_Comm_spawn would never return.
It seems that the child had been start, but the MPI_Init in child would not return.

Why this happened? Does mvapich2 really support dynamic process management or not?
Could some one give some help?
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