[mvapich-discuss] How to display all MPI traffic for a task?

Thiago Quirino - NOAA Federal thiago.quirino at noaa.gov
Fri Sep 26 10:17:21 EDT 2014

Hi, folks.

I am working on a numerical weather prediction model that is built on MPI.
There is a call to MPI_Iprobe in a subroutine that is looking for a message
with a specific tag from a specific host (i.e. neither of "MPI_ANY_SOURCE"
or "MPI_ANY_TAG" were used). MPI_Iprobe is returning "true" when in fact
the querying host should not have received a message. Actually, the
subsequent call to MPI_Recv fails because it expects a payload of 12 bytes
(3 integers), but 20 bytes were received (i.e. "Message truncated" error).

So I am trying to figure out where within the vast and complex code a
potential message with the specific tag and from a specific host is being
sent out, that is, a potential tag collision. I am wondering if there is a
debug flag or runtime variable that can be set for MVAPICH2 that will show
all MPI traffic for a task, for example, "Host 0 MPI_Send to Host 10 with
tag 20673", or something like that so that I can locate the bug.

Thank you abundantly for any tips that you may have.

All the best,

Thiago Quirino, Ph.D.
NOAA Hurricane Research Division
Numerical Modeling Group
4301 Rickenbacker Cswy.
Miami, FL 33149
P: 305-361-4337
C: 305-409-9587
E: Thiago.Quirino at noaa.gov
"The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily
reflect any position of NOAA, its affiliates, or any branch of the federal
and local government."
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