[mvapich-discuss] Assertion failure in ch3_win_fns

Martin Pokorny mpokorny at nrao.edu
Fri May 16 11:08:43 EDT 2014


I'm encountering the following assertion failure in calls to 
MPI_Win_allocate when using mvapich2-2.0rc1. My test setup uses a small 
number of nodes on an Infiniband network.

> Assertion failed in file src/mpid/ch3/channels/mrail/src/rdma/ch3_win_fns.c at line 233: node_comm_ptr != NULL

I'm finding that the occurrence of this error seems to depend on the 
size of the window being allocated: the error occurs when the window 
size is small, but doesn't occur for larger window sizes. Small in my 
test being 4MiB, and large, 16MiB, but I haven't done a systematic 
investigation to search for a cutoff. My test allocates several windows 
of the same size, and it appears that the error occurs after a few 
successful allocations (of smaller size).

Any suggestions?

Martin Pokorny
Software Engineer - New Mexico Systems Group lead
National Radio Astronomy Observatory - New Mexico Operations

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