[mvapich-discuss] MPIDI_CH3U_Buffer_copy(64): Message truncated; 16 bytes received but buffer size is 16

Hari Subramoni subramoni.1 at osu.edu
Sun Mar 16 09:28:00 EDT 2014

Hello Jefff,

This is a little weird. This error typically occurs when the library is
expecting X bytes of data and it got more than the expected amount.
However, from the error message it seems like the expected and actual
amount of data is the same (16 bytes).

Can you give a little more information as to the kind of application you
are running here? Could you please let us know how you built MVAPICH2? If
you can give us the output of <install-dir>/bin/mpiname -a, it will help.

MVAPICH2-1.9 is a little old. Since then, we have fixed several errors and
made several performance improvements. In this context, I would like to
check if you tried your application with the latest version of MVAPICH2
(MVAPICH2-2.0b) available from the following link?


On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Daily, Jeff A <jeff.daily at pnnl.gov> wrote:

>  I'm running mvapich2 1.9 compiled with thread multiple enabled.  I was
> hoping someone might be able to explain the following error message I'm
> receiving.  Based on the error message alone, seems like it should've
> been ok?  Thanks.
>  In: PMI_Abort(1, Fatal error in PMPI_Test:
> Message truncated, error stack:
> MPIDI_CH3U_Buffer_copy(64): Message truncated; 16 bytes received but
> buffer size is 16
> )
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