[mvapich-discuss] WG: Bug in MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY when called from Fortran95-code

Michael.Rachner at dlr.de Michael.Rachner at dlr.de
Thu Jun 5 10:30:24 EDT 2014

Dear Mr. Panda,

In the meantime I could try also the MVAPICH 2.0rc2 version on the Linux Cluster  Laki .
However I found that there is still a bug remaining in the shared memory allocation:
   If I allocate successively not more than n=8 arrays (see the code), all works fine now,
   but when allocating the 9-th arrays then always  a segmentation fault occurs in sbr MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED on all processes!
   This error occurs  independent of the size of the allocated array and independent of the no. of processes running.

For your convenience, I have  added a ‘downsized’ example Ftn-code to demonstrate the behavior.

Michael Rachner

************************ This the Ftn95-code (contents of file sharedmemtest.f90) to demonstrate the bug in   MVAPICH2 2.0rc2  : ***********
    module MYMPI
!%%%      use MPI
      include "mpif.h"
      integer ::  myrankWORLD, numprocsWORLD
    end module MYMPI
    program sharedmemtest
!     This code demonstrates a bug with MVAPICH2-2.0rc2 in the MPI-3 shared memory alloc. of a 1d-integer-array.
!     This code was compiled with INTEL-14.0.2:   mpif90 -O0 -debug -traceback -check -fpe0 sharedmemtest.f90
!     This code was launched with:                mpiexec -np 2 -bind-to core -prepend-rank ./a.out
                       ,myrankWORLD, numprocsWORLD
      implicit none
      character(len=MPI_MAX_LIBRARY_VERSION_STRING) ::  versionstring
      integer                                       ::  iresultlen, idim_1, i, n, ierr_mpi
!   --initialize MPI:
      call MPI_INIT( ierr_mpi )
      call MPI_COMM_RANK( MPI_COMM_WORLD, myrankWORLD  , ierr_mpi )
      call MPI_COMM_SIZE( MPI_COMM_WORLD, numprocsWORLD, ierr_mpi )
          print *,'=== ftn95-program sharedmemtest has been entered by process no.: ',myrankWORLD
      call MPI_BARRIER( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr_mpi )
      call MPI_GET_LIBRARY_VERSION( versionstring, iresultlen, ierr_mpi )
      if(myrankWORLD == 0) then
          write(6,*)    'Version of MPI library used in this run:'
          write(6,'(a)') versionstring(1:iresultlen)
!   --n is the number of shared memory allocations to be done successively:
      n = 9   !  ERROR: until n=8 it works fine, but for n>8 it does not work
!                *****  then we get a segmentation fault in sbr MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED on all processes
      if(myrankWORLD == 0) print *,'=========== number of allocations to be done: n=',n
      do i=1,n
!     --number of desired array elements in the integer-array  int4_pointer_arr_1(:)  to be allocated shared:
        idim_1 = 100
!     --shared memory allocation:
        if(myrankWORLD == 0) print *,'=========== allocation no. i=',i,' starting now'
        call sharedmem_alloc( idim_1 )
      call MPI_FINALIZE( ierr_mpi )
      print *,'===============end of program sharedmemtest reached ============'
   end program sharedmemtest
      subroutine sharedmem_alloc( idim_1 )

                       ,myrankWORLD, numprocsWORLD
      use, intrinsic ::  ISO_C_BINDING, only:  C_PTR, C_F_POINTER   ! <-- is std Ftn2003 intrinsic module
      implicit none
      integer, intent(IN)             ::  idim_1
      type    (C_PTR)                 ::  memory_pointer
      integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) ::  memory_size, ibytes_per_element
      logical                         ::  lnodemaster
      integer                         ::  MPIwin
      integer, save                   ::  idisplace_unit  = 1 &
                                         ,irank_nodemaster= 0  ! nodemaster has rank 0 in communicator comm_NODEPROCS(mynode)
      integer, dimension(1)           ::  idim_arr_1
      integer                         ::  myrank, mynode, ierr_mpi
      integer, dimension(:), allocatable, save ::  comm_NODEPROCS  ! array consisting of the node communicators
      integer, dimension(:), pointer  ::  int4_pointer_arr_1 =>null()  ! <-- the array to be allocated shared
!     for simplicity of this example program we presume all processes running on only 1 node:
      if( .not. allocated(comm_NODEPROCS) ) allocate( comm_NODEPROCS(1) )
      mynode=1  ;  comm_NODEPROCS(mynode) = MPI_COMM_WORLD
      myrank = myrankWORLD
      lnodemaster=.false.  ;  if(myrank == 0) lnodemaster=.true.
!-----shared memory allocation starting here:
        ibytes_per_element = 4_MPI_ADDRESS_KIND  ! [Bytes]
        if(lnodemaster) then
!         we let the nodemaster, i.e. the process with rank 0 in communicator  comm_NODEPROCS(mynode)
!         of node no.  mynode  allocate the shared memory
          memory_size = int(idim_1, MPI_ADDRESS_KIND)  * ibytes_per_element
          memory_size = 0_MPI_ADDRESS_KIND
      call MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED( memory_size, idisplace_unit, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm_NODEPROCS(mynode) &  ! <--input
                                   ,memory_pointer, MPIwin, ierr_mpi )                                    ! <--result
          if(ierr_mpi /= MPI_SUCCESS) stop '=== STOP: Error when calling sbr MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED'
          print *,'  %%after MPI_WIN_ALLLOCATE_SHARED: memory_size   =',memory_size
          print *,'  %%after MPI_WIN_ALLLOCATE_SHARED: idisplace_unit=',idisplace_unit
          print *,'%%%%after MPI_WIN_ALLLOCATE_SHARED: memory_pointer=',memory_pointer
          memory_size= -7777  ;  idisplace_unit= -6666  ! <-- we reinitialize to detect wrong values from MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY
      call MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY( MPIwin, irank_nodemaster                              &  ! <--input
                                ,memory_size, idisplace_unit, memory_pointer, ierr_mpi )  ! <--result
          if(ierr_mpi /= MPI_SUCCESS) stop '=== STOP: Error when calling sbr MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY'
          print *,'  §§§after MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY:    memory_size   =',memory_size
          print *,'  §§§after MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY:    idisplace_unit=',idisplace_unit
          print *,'§§§§§after MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY:    memory_pointer=',memory_pointer
          idim_arr_1(1) = idim_1   ! <-- necessary
      call C_F_POINTER( memory_pointer, int4_pointer_arr_1, idim_arr_1 )  ! is a std Ftn2003 routine
      call MPI_BARRIER( comm_NODEPROCS(mynode), ierr_mpi )
!-----shared allocation finished here.
!-----checking for correct shared allocation:
      if(lnodemaster) then
        int4_pointer_arr_1(:)= 10   ! [1...idim_1]
        print *,'========on nodemaster: sum(int4_pointer_arr_1)=',sum(int4_pointer_arr_1)
      call MPI_BARRIER( comm_NODEPROCS(mynode), ierr_mpi )
      print *,'%%%%%%%%%checking shared allocation:  sum(int4_pointer_arr_1)=',sum(int4_pointer_arr_1)
      end subroutine sharedmem_alloc

---end of this email ---

Von: Panda, Dhabaleswar [mailto:panda at cse.ohio-state.edu]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014 20:23
An: Rachner, Michael
Cc: mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu
Betreff: Re: [mvapich-discuss] WG: Bug in MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY when called from Fortran95-code


Thanks for providing the details. We have verified that this function works with the latest MVAPICH2 2.0-rc2 version. There were issues with this function in MVAPICH2 2.0-b which has been fixed.

Thus, your program seems to be fine. Please use the latest version (RC2) and you will be good.



Sent from my iPhone

On May 28, 2014, at 10:12 AM, "Michael.Rachner at dlr.de<mailto:Michael.Rachner at dlr.de>" <Michael.Rachner at dlr.de<mailto:Michael.Rachner at dlr.de>> wrote:

Von: Rachner, Michael
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014 15:45
An: 'Panda, Dhabaleswar'
Betreff: AW: [mvapich-discuss] Bug in MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY when called from Fortran95-code

Dear Mr. Panda,

On the clusters I can only use what is installed.
Until some weeks ago, they had installed MVAPICH2-2.0b  on the NEC Nehalem cluster.
Then they replaced that version by  the older (more stable?) version MVAPICH2-1.9 .
With both versions the same MPI-3 shared memory allocation problem occurred.
(without using the MPI-3 shared memory feature both versions are running well).

Do you think it is a bug in MVAPICH, or  have I done something wrong when invoking the MPI-routines?

Michael Rachner

Von: Panda, Dhabaleswar [mailto:panda at cse.ohio-state.edu]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2014 13:57
An: Rachner, Michael; mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu<mailto:mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu>
Betreff: RE: [mvapich-discuss] Bug in MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY when called from Fortran95-code


Thanks for your note. Have you tried MVAPICH2 2.0-rc2 (the latest version released a few days
back)? There have been many enhancements and performance optimizations
related to MPI-3 RMA support in the 2.0 series. The MVAPICH2 2.0 GA will
be available soon. Please try this version and let us know if you still encounter the


From: mvapich-discuss-bounces at cse.ohio-state.edu<mailto:mvapich-discuss-bounces at cse.ohio-state.edu> on behalf of Michael.Rachner at dlr.de<mailto:Michael.Rachner at dlr.de> [Michael.Rachner at dlr.de<mailto:Michael.Rachner at dlr.de>]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2014 5:12 AM
To: mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu<mailto:mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: [mvapich-discuss] Bug in MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY when called from Fortran95-code
Dear MPI-Developers,

I am MPI-parallelizing a Fortran95 code. In order to let the same Fortran-arrays be shared by the MPI-processes on the same node,
I employ the 3 routines:     MPI_WIN_ALLOC_SHARED, MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY and  C_F_POINTER
That worked with  MPICH-3.0.4  on a LINUX Nehalem-Cluster  Cluster4  (although even there the result quantities from MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY were not correct),
but did not work with MVAPICH2-1.9 on another LINUX Cluster (NEC Nehalem-Cluster  Laki ) .

I “downsized” the problem from the large original code to a small example Ftn95-program  sharedmemtest, given  below.
It reveals  a problem with the 3 result-quantities   memory_size, idisplace_unit, memory_pointer   returned from  sbr MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY
(see also the red comments  pasted into the outputs from MPICH and MVAPICH).  These values after the call may be wrong or not.
There might be something wrong inside  sbr MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY (or is it a problem with the data types of the quantities on the parameter list?).

    The main problem is:   Using MVAPICH  (but not with MPICH-3.0.4) the sbr MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY  always returned a
                                             memory_pointer of   0   for all slaves.
                                             With that seemingly wrong C-address the succeeding call of sbr C_F_POINTER (although it issues no error message),
                                             cannot assign the pointer array (named  int4_pointer_arr_1 )  on the slave process to that target address.
                                             Consequently, the first usage of that array  on a slave process gives the error message documented below
                    “Attempt to use pointer INT4_POINTER_ARR_1 when it is not associated with a target” .
                    I observed that same behavior also with my large original code.
    Hint: I found no influence on the results of the MPICH-run and on the results of the MVAPICH-run  when using the
          MPI-module rather than the mpif.h file. But I found, that there exists
          no interface in the MPI module of MPICH and MVAPICH  for the routines  MPI_WIN_ALLOC_SHARED  and  MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY .
          This is in contrast to the MPI-3.0 standard pdf-document (of Sept. 21, 2012, chapter 11.2, pp. 409 + 411),
          where they provide these 2 interfaces. And both interfaces switch into another routine ~_CPTR using a different type
          for  BASEPTR (= memory_pointer  in my code).
          Can the missing of these interfaces be the cause of the trouble?

The MPI-3 shared memory feature is a breakthrough for the MPI-Users, and very useful for me. If I could make it run…
  Can you help me?

  Thank You for any hints
    Michael Rachner

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