[mvapich-discuss] Performance of MPI_Iallgatherv

Zehan Cui zehan.cui at gmail.com
Tue Apr 1 03:28:49 EDT 2014


I'm testing the non-blocking collective of MVAPICH2-2.0rc1.

I have two nodes with Infiniband to perform allgather on totally 128MB data.

I split the 128MB data into eight pieces, and perform computation and
MPI_Iallgatherv() on one piece of data each iteration, hoping that the
MPI_Iallgatherv() of last iteration can be overlapped with computation of
current iteration. A MPI_Wait() is called at the end of last iteration.

However, the total communication time (including the final wait time) even
exceeds the traditional blocking MPI_Allgatherv.

Following is the test pseudo-code and result.


Using MPI_Allgatherv:

for( i=0; i<8; i++ )
  // computation
    mytime( t_begin );
    mytime( t_end );
    comp_time += (t_end - t_begin);

  // communication
    t_begin = t_end;
    mytime( t_end );
    comm_time += (t_end - t_begin);

    comp_time = 7,454,219 us
    comm_time = 399,854 us


Using MPI_Iallgatherv:

for( i=0; i<8; i++ )
  // computation
    mytime( t_begin );
    mytime( t_end );
    comp_time += (t_end - t_begin);

  // communication
    t_begin = t_end;
    mytime( t_end );
    comm_time += (t_end - t_begin);

// wait for non-blocking allgather to complete
mytime( t_begin );
for( i=0; i<8; i++ )
mytime( t_end );
wait_time = t_end - t_begin;

    comp_time = 7,453,938 us
    comm_time = 365,511 us
    wait_time = 453,132 us


It seems that MPI_Iallgatherv() is more blocking than MPI_Allgather().

Does anyone have the same experience?

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