[mvapich-discuss] Trouble compiling MVAPICH2 1.9

Jens Glaser jglaser at umn.edu
Tue May 21 11:42:56 EDT 2013


On May 21, 2013, at 5:17 PM, Jonathan Perkins <perkinjo at cse.ohio-state.edu> wrote:
>> I've downloaded the tarball for MVAPICH2 1.9, and tried to compile. Unfortunately, compilation does not complete,
>> it aborts with error, rather at the end of the compilation.
>> [...]
>> Did I do anything wrong?
> This is most likely an issue of previous static build not cleaned up
> properly before a new attempt at a shared build.  Can you remove your
> build directory and freshly extract the tarball to see if this is the
> case?
Thanks, that was the right cue. I had previously removed the build directory a couple of times and freshly unpacked the tarball,
but it did not work. Now, instead of compiling on the login node, I tried compiling on a compute node, which finally worked.

FYI, I think the reason was the following. In addition to the error message I cited in my email, there were some non-critical error messages during the build process,
stating that some directory in /tmp already exists. I suspect that these messages were coming from the linker and that it must have been be due to these /tmp directories, from a
first compilation attempt, that the build process choked.


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