[mvapich-discuss] 64-bit sized messages?

Chavarria, Daniel G daniel.chavarria at pnnl.gov
Fri Jun 28 19:41:32 EDT 2013

Hi MVAPICH developers,

I have a problem where I would like to send and receive messages of MPI_BYTE type where each message is more than 2GB in size.

This is for a big data type problem where I'm initializing the in-memory data containers.  Our local machine here has 64GB per node so 2GB is only a fairly small fraction of the node memory, particularly in the context of a multithreaded run with a single process per node.

Consulting with our local MPI experts they have suggested to send the message in multiple chunks or to use a derived datatype where each element is "large".  I'll likely take one of these routes, however it would be nice to have an interface where I could execute a MPI_Irecv(void *buf, int64_t count, …).

Is this something that you guys have thought about?  Does it come up in the community?

Thanks in advance for your time and attention.



Daniel G. Chavarría
Research Scientist

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
902 Battelle Boulevard
P.O. Box 999, MSIN: J4-30
Richland, WA 99352 USA
Tel.: (509)372-6964
Cel.: (509)392-9194
Fax: (509)375-4595
daniel.chavarria at pnnl.gov<applewebdata://2EBC18AC-C046-4FAF-954A-01ED68CF1E45/daniel.chavarria@pnnl.gov>

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