[mvapich-discuss] LiMIC2/KNEM

Mark Dixon m.c.dixon at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Jul 12 08:10:56 EDT 2013


I'm looking at trying to give MPI performance a boost with one of the 
kernel-assisted memory copy modules. I see there are a few of them, 
including LiMIC2 and KNEM.

The website for LiMIC2, http://sslab.konkuk.ac.kr/, isn't responding but 
MVAPICH2 seems to be the biggest user of the software (according to 
Google), so I'm posting my question here.

I've read about a few security concerns about LiMIC2 dotted around the 
net, but not found any official documentation to confirm/refute that an 
attacker can use it to read any memory they like.

Are the concerns real? If so:

* Are there any plans to address them?

* Is KNEM supported with MVAPICH2 as an alternative? (I see it wasn't in 


Mark Dixon                       Email    : m.c.dixon at leeds.ac.uk
HPC/Grid Systems Support         Tel (int): 35429
Information Systems Services     Tel (ext): +44(0)113 343 5429
University of Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

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