[mvapich-discuss] mvapich with matlab

Brock Palen brockp at umich.edu
Thu Jan 31 16:10:22 EST 2013

In the past I have had a lot of luck using mvapich as a dropin mpich replacement with matlab to enable matlab parallel computing toolbox to use our IB fabric.

This is still working, but recently we have been having errors, when trying to start matlab jobs on more than 64 cores.

Does the wireup of mvapich do anything unique above 64 ranks?  We are using hydra as our launcher and we don't have this problem, using the same hydra install with mpich-1.5.1 on the same nodes/matlab install.

Also this used to work and am at a loss trying to discover why it has changed.

[proxy:0:0 at nyx5043.engin.umich.edu] HYDT_dmxu_poll_wait_for_event (./tools/demux/demux_poll.c:77): callback returned error status
[proxy:[proxy:0:2 at nyx5048.engin.umich.edu] HYD_pmcd_pmip_control_cmd_cb (./pm/pmiserv/pmip_cb.c:886): assert (!closed) failed

Brock Palen
CAEN Advanced Computing
brockp at umich.edu

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