[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the Release of MVAPICH2 1.9rc1, MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1 and OSU Micro-Benchmarks (OMB) 4.0

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Tue Apr 16 23:34:27 EDT 2013

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH2 1.9rc1, 
MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1 (Hybrid MPI+PGAS with UPC and OpenSHMEM support through 
Unified Communication Runtime) and OSU Micro-Benchmarks (OMB) 4.0.

Features, Enhancements, and Bug Fixes for MVAPICH2 1.9rc1 (since MVAPICH2 
1.9b release) are listed here.

* Features and Enhancements (since 1.9b):
     - Based on MPICH-3.0.3
     - Updated SCR to version 1.1.8
     - Install utility scripts included with SCR
     - Support for automatic detection of path to utilities used by
       mpirun_rsh during configuration
       - Utilities supported: rsh, ssh, xterm, totalview
     - Support for launching jobs on heterogeneous networks with mpirun_rsh
     - Tuned Bcast, Reduce, Scatter Collectives
     - Tuned MPI performance on Kepler GPUs
     - Introduced MV2_RDMA_CM_CONF_FILE_PATH parameter which specifies
       path to mv2.conf

* Bug-Fixes (since 1.9b):
     - Fix autoconf issue with LiMIC2 source-code
         - Thanks to Doug Johnson from OH-TECH for the report
     - Fix build errors with --enable-thread-cs=per-object and
         - Thanks to Marcin Zalewski from Indiana University for the report
     - Fix MPI_Scatter failure with MPI_IN_PLACE
         - Thanks to Mellanox for the report
     - Fix MPI_Scatter failure with cyclic host files
     - Fix deadlocks in PSM interface for multi-threaded jobs
         - Thanks to Marcin Zalewski from Indiana University for the report
     - Fix MPI_Bcast failures in SCALAPACK
         - Thanks to Jerome Vienne from TACC for the report
     - Fix build errors with newer Ekopath compiler
     - Fix a bug with shmem collectives in PSM interface
     - Fix memory corruption when more entries specified in mv2.conf than
       the requested number of rails
         - Thanks to Akihiro Nomura from Tokyo Institute of Technology for
           the report
     - Fix memory corruption with CR configuration in Nemesis interface

For a complete set of features of MVAPICH2 1.9rc1 (compared to 1.8), please 
refer to the following URL:


For a complete set of feature enhancements and bug fixes of MVAPICH2
1.9rc1 (compared to 1.8), please refer to the following URL:


MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1 software package (released as a technology preview) provides 
support for hybrid MPI+PGAS (UPC and OpenSHMEM) programming models with unified 
communication runtime for emerging exascale systems. This software package 
provides flexibility for users to write applications using the following 
programming models with a unified communication runtime: MPI, MPI+OpenMP, pure 
UPC, and pure OpenSHMEM programs as well as hybrid MPI(+OpenMP) + PGAS (UPC and 
OpenSHMEM) programs.

Features and Enhancements for MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1 (since MVAPICH2-X 1.9b release) 
are listed here.

* Features and Enhancements (since 1.9b):
     - OpenSHMEM Features
         - Added 'shmem_ptr' functionality
     - MPI Features
         - Based on MVAPICH2 1.9rc1 (OFA-IB-CH3 interface) including
           MPI-3 features
     - Unified Runtime Features
         - Based on MVAPICH2 1.9rc1 (OFA-IB-CH3 interface). All the runtime
           features enabled by default in OFA-IB-CH3 interface of
           MVAPICH2 1.9rc1 are available in MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1

* Bug Fixes (since 1.9b):
     - OpenSHMEM
         - Fixed a bug in OpenSHMEM atomics

For a complete set of features of MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1, please refer to the 
following URL:


For a complete set of feature enhancements and bug fixes of MVAPICH2-X
1.9rc1, please refer to the following URL:


New features and Enhancements of OSU Micro-Benchmarks (OMB) 4.0 (since OMB 3.9 
release) are listed here.

* New Features & Enhancements (since OMB 3.9):
     - Support buffer allocation using OpenACC and CUDA in osu_alltoall,
       osu_gather, and osu_scatter benchmarks
     - Limit amount of memory allocated by collective benchmarks
       dynamically based on number of processes
         - Memory limit can also be explicitly set by the user
           through the -m option
     - Support for 64-bit atomic operations in osu_oshm_atomics

* Bug Fixes
     - Fix numerical overflow error with reporting bandwidth in osu_mbw_mr

For a complete set of features of OMB 4.0, please refer to the following URL:


For a complete set of feature enhancements and bug fixes of OMB 4.0 (compared 
to 3.9), please refer to the following URL:


For downloading MVAPICH2 1.9rc1, MVAPICH2-X 1.9rc1, OMB 4.0, associated user 
guides, quick start guide, and accessing the SVN, please visit the following 


All questions, feedbacks, bug reports, hints for performance tuning, patches 
and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the mvapich-discuss mailing 
list (mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu).



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