[mvapich-discuss] MPI IO on Lustre

Ryan Crocker rcrocker at uvm.edu
Thu Apr 4 13:32:03 EDT 2013

Hi all, 

I've been using MPI IO on Lustre and have noticed some odd output files using MVAPICH2-1.4.1 (i know it's  old, but that's what we have running).  I'm running a turbulent channel and when i look at my velocity statistics the velocities at the edge of the core subdomains are lower, or higher than they should be.  So i see spikes in the shear.  Also in 2D flows i can see some domain dependence in the outputs, i've run some of the stats during the simulations and i don't see the same issues.  I'd rather not consolidate and use standard IO to output files so i'm wondering if i have the MPI IO set up properly, or if they're are some caveats i'm missing.


     mpiiofs = "lustre:"
     call MPI_INFO_CREATE(mpi_info,ierr)
     call MPI_INFO_SET(mpi_info,"romio_ds_write","disable",ierr) 


  call MPI_FILE_OPEN(comm,file,IOR(MPI_MODE_WRONLY,MPI_MODE_CREATE),mpi_info,iunit,ierr)
  ! Write header (only root)
  if (irank.eq.iroot) then
     buffer = trim(adjustl(name))
     size = 80
     call MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunit,buffer,size,MPI_CHARACTER,status,ierr)
     buffer = 'part'
     size = 80
     call MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunit,buffer,size,MPI_CHARACTER,status,ierr)
     ibuffer = 1
     size = 1
     call MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunit,ibuffer,size,MPI_INTEGER,status,ierr)
     buffer = 'hexa8'
     size = 80
     call MPI_FILE_WRITE(iunit,buffer,size,MPI_CHARACTER,status,ierr)
  end if
  ! Write the data
  disp = 3*80+4+0*ncells_hexa*4
  call MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW(iunit,disp,MPI_REAL_SP,fileview_hexa,"native",mpi_info,ierr)
  call MPI_FILE_WRITE_ALL(iunit,buffer3_hexa(:,1),ncells_hexa_,MPI_REAL_SP,status,ierr)
  disp = 3*80+4+1*ncells_hexa*4
  call MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW(iunit,disp,MPI_REAL_SP,fileview_hexa,"native",mpi_info,ierr)
  call MPI_FILE_WRITE_ALL(iunit,buffer3_hexa(:,2),ncells_hexa_,MPI_REAL_SP,status,ierr)
  disp = 3*80+4+2*ncells_hexa*4
  call MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW(iunit,disp,MPI_REAL_SP,fileview_hexa,"native",mpi_info,ierr)
  call MPI_FILE_WRITE_ALL(iunit,buffer3_hexa(:,3),ncells_hexa_,MPI_REAL_SP,status,ierr)
 call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(iunit,ierr)


Ryan Crocker
University of Vermont, School of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

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