[mvapich-discuss] slurm and mpirun support in one instance

Henderson, Brent brent.henderson at hp.com
Fri Apr 13 18:13:07 EDT 2012

I'm trying to build a single instance of mvapich2 v1.7 that will support slurm direct launch (via pmi=slurm) and mpirun but it looks like that might not be possible.  I'm building on a RHEL 6.2 system with MLNX_OFED_LINUX-1.5.3-3.0.0 (OFED-1.5.3-3.0.0).  When I build, here is what I see:

./configure --with-pmi=slurm --with-pm=hydra --prefix=/home/brent/mvapich17-slurm
         configure: error: The PM chosen (hydra) requires the PMI implementation 
                           simple but slurm was selected as the PMI implementation.

So, since hydra provides mpiexec/mpirun, is there a way to do this in a single build?  If not, is this something that maybe the 1.8 stream can do?  I know that I can have two different installs in different directories on the same system, but I would prefer not to do that if possible.  Any workarounds would be appreciated!



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