[mvapich-discuss] Intel compiler 12.1.0 20110811 and ptmalloc2 in mvapich2

Doug Johnson djohnson at osc.edu
Mon Nov 21 16:05:47 EST 2011


Just a heads-up to everyone, I've encountered a problem when compiling
mvapich2-1.7 with the Intel compiler suite 12.1.0 20110811.  Code
linked against the library will crash with a segfault in the ptmalloc2
malloc implementation.  The problem occurs when mvapich2 is compiled
with the default optimization level (-O2).  The problem does not occur
when building with '--disable-fast' and MPICH2LIB_CFLAGS="-O0".

This can be easily reproduced outside of mvapich2 by downloading
ptmalloc2 from http://www.malloc.de/en, modifying the Makefile with,

CC = icc
OPT_FLAGS = -g -O2  

The segfault occurs during some list management.

The newest version of the compilers, 12.1.0 20111011, does not exhibit
this problem.


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