[mvapich-discuss] Profiling timer expired

Jim Galarowicz jeg at krellinst.org
Wed May 11 09:09:10 EDT 2011


I'm a developer on the Open|SpeedShop performance tool project 
(www.openspeedshop.org).  I've recently (maybe tied to recent versions 
of mvapich2) started seeing the error message:
       srun: error: rs265: tasks 0-1: Profiling timer expired
when running any Open|SpeedShop experiments that use the SIGPROF signal 
in conjunction with setitimer(ITIMER_PROF,...) to periodically interrupt 
the application to take program counter, call tree samples, and read 
papi event counters.   I'm trying to figure out if mvapich2 is also 
using these mechanisms and we are in conflict.

Does mvapich2 use these timer mechanisms?    Otherwise, maybe slurm is 
using the timer mechanisms?

Jim G

Here is an example of what I'm seeing when running our pcsamp (program 
counter experiment):

osspcsamp "srun -n 8 --ntasks-per-node 8 /usr/bin/numa_wrapper -ppn 8 
./application-redsky-opt ./test1.in"
[openss]: pcsamp experiment using the pcsamp experiment default sampling 
rate: "100".
[openss]: Using OPENSS_PREFIX installed in 
[openss]: Setting up offline raw data directory in ./offline-oss
[openss]: Running offline pcsamp experiment using the command:
"/apps/slurm/wrapper/srun -n 8 --ntasks-per-node 8 /usr/bin/numa_wrapper 
-ppn 8 /projects/OSS/openspeedshop-2.0.1_beta2/bin/ossrun -c pcsamp 
"./application-redsky-opt ./test1.in" "

srun: error: rs265: tasks 0-1: Profiling timer expired
srun: First task exited 30s ago
srun: tasks 2-7: running
srun: tasks 0-1: exited abnormally
srun: Terminating job step 4249909.15
slurmd[rs265]: *** STEP 4249909.15 KILLED AT 2011-05-10T22:22:42 WITH 
SIGNAL 9 ***

[openss]: Converting raw data from ./offline-oss into temp file X.0.openss

Processing raw data for application
Processing processes and threads ...
Processing performance data ...
Processing functions and statements ...

[openss]: Restoring and displaying default view for:
[openss]: The restored experiment identifier is:  -x 1
No performance measurements were made for the experiment.

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