[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the Release of MVAPICH2 1.6RC3

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Tue Feb 22 00:58:05 EST 2011

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH2 1.6RC3
with the following NEW features/enhancements:

- Support for 3D torus topology with appropriate SL settings
    - For both CH3 and Nemesis interfaces
    - Thanks to Jim Schutt, Marcus Epperson and John Nagle from
      Sandia for the initial patch
- Quality of Service (QoS) support with multiple InfiniBand SL
    - For both CH3 and Nemesis interfaces
- Configuration file support (similar to the one available in MVAPICH).
  Provides a convenient method for handling all runtime
  variables through a configuration file.
- Improved job-startup performance on large-scale systems
- Optimization in MPI_Finalize
- Improved pt-to-pt communication performance for small and
  medium messages
- Optimized and tuned algorithms for Gather and Scatter collective
- Optimized thresholds for one-sided RMA operations
- User-friendly configuration options to enable/disable various
  checkpoint/restart and migration features
- Enabled ROMIO's auto detection scheme for filetypes
  on Lustre file system
- Improved error checking for system and BLCR calls in
  checkpoint-restart and migration codepath
- Enhanced OSU Micro-benchmarks suite (version 3.3)

This release also contains multiple bug fixes since MVAPICH2-1.6.RC2.  A
summary of the major fixes are as follows:

- Fix in aggregate ADIO alignment
- Fix for an issue with LiMIC2 header
- XRC connection management
- Fixes in registration cache
- IB card detection with MV2_IBA_HCA runtime option in
  multi rail design
- Fix for a bug in multi-rail design while opening multiple HCAs
- Fixes for multiple memory leaks
- Fix for a bug in mpirun_rsh
- Checks before enabling aggregation and migration
- Fixing the build errors with --disable-cxx
    - Thanks to Bright Yang for reporting this issue
- Fixing the build errors related to "pthread_spinlock_t"
  seen on RHEL systems

For downloading MVAPICH2 1.6RC3, associated user guide and accessing the
SVN, please visit the following URL:


All feedbacks, including bug reports and hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the
mvapich-discuss mailing list.



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