[mvapich-discuss] mvapich2 with and without IB

Noam Bernstein noam.bernstein at nrl.navy.mil
Thu Apr 14 16:49:49 EDT 2011

I have a cluster with some nodes with Infiniband, and others without.  On the
nodes without infiniband, I plan to run just on a single node with shared memory
(they're 32 core machines).  I haven't been able to get this to work on an mvapich2
installation that's configured with a simple ./configure that doesn't say anything about
what transport to use, because it finds the IB libraries on the head node, and compiles
in IB support, which fails on the non-IB nodes.

1. Is there any way to support this with a single mvapich2 (1.6) build?
2. If not, what's the best way to run ./configure when all I care about it on-node 
shared-memory transport?

												Noam Bernstein

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