[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the Release of MVAPICH2 1.6RC1

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Fri Nov 12 22:56:11 EST 2010

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH2 1.6RC1
with the following NEW features and enhancements:

  - Using LiMIC2 for efficient intra-node RMA transfer to avoid
    extra memory copies
  - Upgraded to LiMIC2 version 0.5.4
  - Removing the limitation on number of concurrent windows in RMA
  - Support for InfiniBand Quality of Service (QoS) with multiple
    virtual lanes
  - Enhanced support for multi-threaded applications
  - Fast Checkpoint-Restart support with aggregation scheme
  - Job Pause-Migration-Restart Framework for Pro-active Fault-Tolerance
  - Support for new standardized Fault-Tolerance Backplane (FTB) Events
    for Checkpoint-Restart and Job Pause-Migration-Restart Frameworks
  - Dynamic detection of multiple InfiniBand adapters and using these
    by default in multi-rail configurations (OFA-IB-CH3, OFA-iWARP-CH3
    and OFA-RoCE-CH3 interfaces)
  - Support for process-to-rail binding policy (bunch, scatter and
    user-defined) in multi-rail configurations (OFA-IB-CH3, OFA-iWARP-CH3
    and OFA-RoCE-CH3 interfaces)
  - Enhanced and optimized algorithms for MPI_Reduce and MPI_AllReduce
    operations for small and medium message sizes
  - XRC support with Hydra Process Manager
  - Improved usability of process to CPU mapping with support of
    delimiters (',' , '-') in CPU listing
      - Thanks to Gilles Civario for the initial patch
  - Use of gfortran as the default F77 compiler
  - Support of Shared-Memory-Nemesis interface on multi-core platforms
    requiring intra-node communication only (SMP-only systems, laptops,

This release also contains multiple bug fixes since MVAPICH2-1.5.1p1.  A
summary of the major fixes are as follows:

  - Fix for memory leak in one-sided code with --enable-g=all
  - Fix for memory leak in getting the context of intra-communicator
  - Fix for shmat() return code check
  - Fix for issues with inter-communicator collectives in Nemesis
  - KNEM patch for osu_bibw issue with KNEM version 0.9.2
  - Fix for osu_bibw error with Shared-memory-Nemesis interface
  - Fix for Win_test error for one-sided RDMA
  - Fix for a hang in collective when thread level is set to multiple
  - Fix for intel test errors with rsend, bsend and ssend operations
    in Nemesis
  - Fix for memory free issue when it allocated by scandir
  - Fix for a hang in Finalize
  - Fix for issue with MPIU_Find_local_and_external when it is called
    from MPIDI_CH3I_comm_create
  - Fix for handling CPPFLGS values with spaces
  - Dynamic Process Management to work with XRC support
  - Fix related to disabling CPU affinity when shared memory is
    turned off at run time

For downloading MVAPICH2 1.6RC1, associated user guide and accessing the
SVN, please visit the following URL:


All feedbacks, including bug reports and hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the
mvapich-discuss mailing list.

We are also happy to inform that the number of organizations using
MVAPICH/MVAPICH2 (and registered at the MVAPICH site) has crossed 1,300
world-wide (in 60 countries). The MVAPICH team extends thanks to all these



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