[mvapich-discuss] change hosts to restart checkpoint by use of mvapich2 and blcr

=?gb2312?B?wu3J2b3c?= mashao_jie at 163.com
Wed Mar 3 08:57:11 EST 2010


Dear Sir:
          I want to use mvapich2 and blcr to check point, and Now I can check point successfully. However, I want restart the check point on other hosts. 
For example, I run mpi program using mvapich2 on host1 and host2, and  I save the checkpoint file at a nfs shared path. Then I wan to restart the job (cr_restart context.pid) on host3 and host4. The 4 host have same hardware and software. I can not solve the problem. If I use openmpi to checkpoint.The problem can be solved easily (ompi_restart -machinefile ma context.pid)
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