[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the Release of MVAPICH 1.2RC1

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Sat Jan 30 00:58:45 EST 2010

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH 1.2RC1
with the following NEW features:

- New Features for OpenFabrics Gen2-IB Interface

  - Network Fault Resiliency (NFR) for tolerating
    transient network failures.  Using this
    feature, long running MPI codes can
    tolerate network failures.  InfiniBand
    HCAs are automatically reset and MPI
    programs can continue computation
    without having to restart.

  - Support for RDMA over Ethernet (RDMAoE) for
    ConnectX-EN adapter.

This version has also the following bugfixes and enhancements
compared to the 1.1 release.

  - Fix for Hybrid-XRC failures where SMP was disabled
  - Changing the mvapich.conf file to indicate that AFFINITY
    should be on by default.
  - Multiple fixes to the mpirun_rsh framework
    (thanks for Adam Moody at LLNL for contributing these patches)
     - No RSH/SSH for localhost
     - Use user shell instead of bash
     - Enhancement to mpirun to check path for application
       (in addition to current directory)
     - mpirun timeout more descriptive in case serial jobs are
       launched through mpirun_rsh
  - Default hostfile in ~/.mpirun_hostfile also controlled by env
    MPIRUN_HOSTFILE (thanks to Christian Guggenberger for the suggestion)
  - Totalview usage (thanks to Adam Moody at LLNL)
     - Enable Totalview with -tv
  - Registration cache
     - Turn off registration cache if ptmalloc is turned off
       (thanks to Adam Moody at LLNL for the patch)
     - De-register stale memory regions earlier to prevent
       excess allocations of physical memory
  - Fixing RDMA Get failure
  - Fix issues with p_key handling
  - Update legacy c++ to be more conforming
  - Use the c++ header file iostream and take namespaces into account
  - Keeping track of R3 packets in ACK counter
  - Fixing an out of order message error with R3 protocol
  - Add error handling patches in connection management
  - Unify the return values of MPID_SHMEM_BCAST_init for all the devices
  - Close shared memory files properly in Finalize

For downloading MVAPICH 1.2RC1, associated user guide and accessing
the SVN, please visit the following URL:


This version is also being made available through OFED 1.5.1.

All feedbacks, including bug reports and hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the
mvapich-discuss mailing list.



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