[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the Release of MVAPICH2 1.6RC2

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Thu Dec 23 17:24:19 EST 2010

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH2 1.6RC2
with the following NEW features/enhancements:

- Optimization and enhanced performance for clusters with nVIDIA
  GPU adapters (with and without GPUDirect technology)
- Enhanced R3 rendezvous protocol
    - For both CH3 and Nemesis interfaces
- Robust RDMA Fast Path setup to avoid memory allocation
    - For both CH3 and Nemesis interfaces
- Multiple design enhancements for better performance of
  medium sized messages
- Enhancements and optimizations for one sided Put and Get operations
- Enhancements and tuning of Allgather for small and medium
  sized messages
- Optimization of AllReduce
- Enhancements to Multi-rail Design and features including striping
  of one-sided messages
- Enhancements to mpirun_rsh job start-up scheme
- Enhanced designs for automatic detection of various
  architectures and adapters

This release also contains multiple bug fixes since MVAPICH2-1.6.RC1.  A
summary of the major fixes are as follows:

- Fix a bug in Post-Wait/Start-Complete path for one-sided operations
- Resolving a hang in mpirun_rsh termination when CR is enabled
- Fixing issue in MPI_Allreduce and Reduce when called with MPI_IN_PLACE
    - Thanks to the initial patch by Alexander Alekhin
- Fix for an issue in rail selection for small RMA messages
- Fix for threading related errors with comm_dup
- Fix for alignment issues in RDMA Fast Path
- Fix for extra memcpy in header caching
- Fix for an issue to use correct HCA when process to rail binding
  scheme used in combination with XRC.
- Fix for an RMA issue when configured with enable-g=meminit
    - Thanks to James Dinan of Argonne for reporting this issue
- Only set FC and F77 if gfortran is executable

For downloading MVAPICH2 1.6RC2, associated user guide and accessing
the SVN, please visit the following URL:


All feedbacks, including bug reports and hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the
mvapich-discuss mailing list.

Wishing You Happy Holidays and A Very Happy New Year!!



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