[mvapich-discuss] not being very graceful about running out of shared memory

Seger, Mark mark.seger at hp.com
Mon Dec 13 14:39:32 EST 2010

I have a very simply 'hello world' program that runs as a parallel job.  If before running it I allocate all of /dev/shm, rather than getting some sort of graceful error message I see the following in my job log:

+ srun --mpi=none /mscf/home/dmlb2000/mpi-tests/mvapich2/1.5.1p1/pathscale/3.2/hello
srun: error: cu01n81: tasks 8-15: Bus error
srun: error: cu01n82: tasks 16-23: Bus error
srun: error: cu01n83: tasks 24-31: Bus error
srun: error: cu01n80: tasks 0-7: Bus error

is this a known problem?  Something that will be addressed in a future release?
As you can see the test about was with mvapich2/1.5.1p1 but the app has also been built/run against 1.6rc1 and failed the same way.


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