[mvapich-discuss] MVAPICH + MKL + ~100 lines of code = crash

Antonio Molins amolins at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 9 19:56:20 EDT 2009

Hi everybody,

I am new to the list, and have been programming in MPI for a year or so. I am running into what I think is a bug of either MVAPICH or MKL that is totally driving me nuts :(

The following code has proved good to generate a crash using MKL 10.2 update 2 (sequential version and threaded), last revision of MVAPICH, in two different clusters. Can anybody tell me what the problem is here? It does not crash always, but it does crash when the right number of MPI processes and matrix sizes are selected. Sometimes it wouldn't crash but sloooooow down several orders of magnitude, and note that the actual data being processed is exactly the same.


*  crash.cpp - crashes with ICC 11.1, MKL 10.2, MVAPICH 1.0 on linux 64-bit
* both linked with the serial or threaded libraries
* doing mpirun -np 36 crash 5000 10

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "mkl_scalapack.h"

extern "C" {
/* BLACS C interface */
void Cblacs_get( int context, int request, int* value);
int Cblacs_gridinit( int* context, char * order, int np_row, int np_col);
void Cblacs_gridinfo( int context, int*  np_row, int* np_col, int*  my_row, int*  my_col);
int numroc_( int *n, int *nb, int *iproc, int *isrcproc, int *nprocs);
/* PBLAS */
void pdgemm_( char *TRANSA, char *TRANSB, int * M, int * N, int * K, double * ALPHA,
double * A, int * IA, int * JA, int * DESCA, double * B, int * IB, int * JB, int * DESCB,
double * BETA, double * C, int * IC, int * JC, int * DESCC );

#define BLOCK_SIZE 65

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
int iam, nprocs;
MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);       /* starts MPI */
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iam);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);

// get done with the ones that are not part of the grid
int blacs_pgrid_size = floor(sqrt(nprocs));
if (iam>=blacs_pgrid_size*blacs_pgrid_size) {
printf("Bye bye world from process %d of %d. BLACS had no place for me...\n",iam,nprocs);

// start BLACS with square processor grid
printf("starting BLACS...");
int ictxt,nprow,npcol,myrow,mycol;
Cblacs_get( -1, 0, &ictxt );
Cblacs_gridinit( &ictxt, "C", blacs_pgrid_size, blacs_pgrid_size );
Cblacs_gridinfo( ictxt, &nprow, &npcol, &myrow, &mycol );

double timing;
int m,n,k,lm,ln,nbm,nbn,rounds;
int myzero=0,myone=1;

lm = numroc_(&m, &nbm, &myrow, &myzero, &nprow);
ln = numroc_(&n, &nbn, &mycol, &myzero, &npcol);

int info;
int *ipiv = new int[lm+nbm+10000000]; //adding a "little" bit of extra space just in case
char ta = 'N',tb = 'T';
double alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;

double* test1data = new double[lm*ln];
double* test2data = new double[lm*ln];
double* test3data = new double[lm*ln];

for(int i=0;i<lm*ln;i++)

int *test1desc  = new int[9];
int *test2desc  = new int[9];
int *test3desc  = new int[9];

test1desc[0] = 1; // descriptor type
test1desc[1] = ictxt; // blacs context
test1desc[2] = m; // global number of rows
test1desc[3] = n; // global number of columns
test1desc[4] = nbm; // row block size
test1desc[5] = nbn; // column block size (DEFINED EQUAL THAN ROW BLOCK SIZE)
test1desc[6] = 0; // initial process row(DEFINED 0)
test1desc[7] = 0; // initial process column (DEFINED 0)
test1desc[8] = lm; // leading dimension of local array


for(int iter=0;iter<rounds;iter++)
printf("iter %i - ",iter);
//test2 = test1
//test3 = test1*test2
test2data,&myone,&myone, test2desc,
test3data,&myone,&myone, test3desc);
printf(" PDGEMM = %f |",MPI_Wtime()-timing);
//test3 = LU(test3)
pdgetrf_(&m, &n, test3data, &myone, &myone, test3desc, ipiv, &info);
printf(" PDGETRF = %f.\n",MPI_Wtime()-timing);
delete[] ipiv;
delete[] test1data, test2data, test3data;
delete[] test1desc, test2desc, test3desc;

return 0;

Antonio Molins, PhD Candidate
Medical Engineering and Medical Physics
Harvard - MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
"Y así del poco dormir y del mucho leer,
se le secó el cerebro de manera que vino
a perder el juicio".
                                       Miguel de Cervantes

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