[mvapich-discuss] mvapich2-1.2-2009-03-17 compilation issue

Yaakoub El Khamra yye00 at tacc.utexas.edu
Thu Mar 19 13:21:17 EDT 2009

I am trying to compile mvapich2-1.2-2009-03-17 (from tarball) with the
following options:
 ./configure --prefix=/work/01125/yye00/DebugStack/latest_mvapich2_install/
--enable-error-checking=all --enable-error-messages=all
--enable-timing-level=all --enable-g=all --enable-debuginfo
--enable-threads=single CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort F90=ifort

This cause the following error:
ch3u_rma_sync.c(205): warning #1899: multicharacter character literal
(potential portability problem)
  	    int *ranks_in_win_grp = (int *) malloc((comm_size - 1) * sizeof(int));

ch3u_rma_sync.c(205): error: expected a ";"
  	    int *ranks_in_win_grp = (int *) malloc((comm_size - 1) * sizeof(int));

ch3u_rma_sync.c(233): warning #1899: multicharacter character literal
(potential portability problem)

ch3u_rma_sync.c(233): error: expected a ";"

On further investigation, it seems that the preprocessing step is
where this breaks down. Malloc seems to be defined as: 'Error use
MPIU_Malloc' :::; and similarly free is defined as: 'Error use
MPIU_Free' :::;

These #defines are in src/include/mpimem.h which manages to find its
way into the ch3u_rma_sync.c . Is there a way to guard against this?
Should I be using different configuration flags?
Thanks in advance.

Yaakoub El Khamra

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