[mvapich-discuss] Queue pair usage in mvapich versions

Krishnamoorthy, Sriram sriram at pnl.gov
Mon Jan 12 12:45:57 EST 2009

Is there a way to query or control the number of queue pairs used by
mvapich/mvapich2 (in versions 1.1, 1.0.1, and 1.2) per SMP node?

If it is a fixed expression (either all intialized on start-up or later
on-demand), could you please provide the same or point me to a

I am trying to create 2*p queue pairs per SMP node, after initializing
MPI. Beyond 8192 processes, this is failing in the queue pair create

Please cc my email id, as I am not subscribed to the mailing list.

Thanks in advance,

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