[mvapich-discuss] Errors spawning processes with mpirun_rsh

Rafael Arco Arredondo rafaarco at ugr.es
Mon Feb 23 04:45:26 EST 2009


I'm having some issues with mpirun_rsh within both MVAPICH 1.1 and
MVAPICH2 1.2p1. As I commented in another email to the list some time
ago, mpirun_rsh is the only mechanism we can use to create MPI processes
in our configuration.

The command issued is:
mpirun_rsh -ssh -np 2 -hostfile ./machines ./mpihello

And the error reported by mpirun_rsh is:

Exit code -5 signaled from localhost
MPI process terminated unexpectedly
Killing remote processes...DONE

We also got this on some of our machines:

Child exited abnormally!
Killing remote processes...DONE

mpihello is a simple hello world and this happens even when the
processes are launched on localhost only.

OFED 1.2 is used as the underlying Infiniband libraries, and both
MVAPICH and MVAPICH2 were compiled with the OpenFabrics/Gen2 single-rail
option, without XRC as indicated in the user's guide for OFED libraries
prior to version 1.3.

Any help will be kindly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


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