[mvapich-discuss] Can I start a job using mpirun_rsh without using ethernet?

Craig Tierney Craig.Tierney at noaa.gov
Mon Aug 10 13:37:55 EDT 2009

Jonathan Perkins wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 02:36:41PM -0600, Craig Tierney wrote:
>> I am trying to figure out how to launch a job with mpirun_rsh
>> without using the ethernet.  If I specify the IBoIP addresses
>> in my machine file, then mpispawn is launched over the IB.
>> However, mpispawn still connects using the ethernet host names.
> In order to do this then the hostname returned by gethostbyname would
> have to negotiate to the IPoIB address for that host.  It sounds like
> this is not the case in your setup.

It turns out that the reason I couldn't launch jobs over the IB
was that in mpirun_rsh.c, it uses gethostname to set the host
for the MPISPAWN_MPIRUN_HOST setting which gets passed to all children.

I put a hack in there to use the ib interface and I get what I want.

One more question... If mpirun_rsh is supposed to use a tree to launch
the job, why does every child first connected back to the MPISPAWN_MPIRUN_HOST
host directly and pass information before the tree part starts up?


Craig Tierney (craig.tierney at noaa.gov)

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