[mvapich-discuss] examples_collchk issue

Arthur Yuldashev arthur at mail.rb.ru
Thu Apr 30 10:08:17 EDT 2009

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It seems that we've found a bug in some of examples provided with 
For instance in time_alltoallv.c there are following strings of code:

      if ( argv != NULL && argv[1] != NULL )
          block_size = atoi( argv[1] );
          block_size = 1;

      if ( argv != NULL && argv[2] != NULL )
          num_itr = atoi( argv[2] );
          num_itr = 1;

We ran it without any command line arguments resulting in argv[1] equal 
to NULL,
but argv[2] was equal to one of environment variables.
So atoi(argv[2]) was equal to 0 resulting in 0 number of iterations,
not 1 as supposed.
And so actually no MPI_Alltoallv communications were done.

Best regards,
Arthur Yuldashev

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