[mvapich-discuss] Possibly undesirable mvapich "feature" (was Possible bug)

Lei Chai chai.15 at osu.edu
Thu Sep 25 12:54:48 EDT 2008

Hi Laurence,

By default, mvapich uses cpu affinity and tries to use cpu's starting 
from cpu 0. To solve your problem, there are two options:

- Use the VIADEV_CPU_MAPPING env variable as you mentioned. Map to 
different cpu sets for different MPI jobs.
- Use the VIADEV_USE_AFFINITY=0 env variable to disable cpu affinity. 
The OS will schedule the MPI jobs on different cpu's.

Hope this helps.


Laurence Marks wrote:
> I think I may have partially resolved my previous problem
> (http://mail.cse.ohio-state.edu/pipermail/mvapich-discuss/2008-September/001920.html
> ), but not completely.
> One of the engineers at the company that sold me the cluster pointed
> out that the first node running the job (using 8 cores) was doing a
> little swap, even though the mpi job itself was not requiring swap. I
> suspect that doing I/O and general other OS tasks associated with
> communicating from the 1st core to all the others was leading to this
> and causing problems. I can resolve this by running with the first
> entry in the machines file on my head node, then everything is OK.
> Unfortunately this leads to another problem. If I have two mpi jobs
> both using one core on the head node, instead of using separate cores
> they both use the same one! I suspect that this is a design feature,
> i.e. to use the first core unless something else has been specified
> with VIADEV_CPU_MAPPING or similar. I wonder if there is any way
> around this short of specifying different mappings for different jobs
> which would become a bit of a nightmare since individual users (i.e.
> my students) would have to get it right. An alternative is running
> with 7 cores on the first machine to leave some free CPU for OS
> operations, but this is inefficient.

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