[mvapich-discuss] Bug in MVAPICH2 SVN Trunk Configure Script

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 1 21:48:12 EDT 2008

> As it turns out, the impact was more severe than that.  When I was 
> attempting a 32-bit build of MVAPICH2, gfortran apparently defaulted to 
> a 64-bit compilation because it didn't get the "-m32" option that I had 
> specified in F90FLAGS, and that caused one of the configuration tests to 
> fail because it was trying to link a 64-bit object file against the 
> 32-bit OFED libraries.

I'm a little confused here. From your previous email I thought you had 
used MPICH2LIB_F90FLAGS, that was dropped in the fortran bindings.

Which flags were dropped for you? F90FLAGS or MPICH2LIB_F90FLAGS? 
MPICH2LIB_F90FLAGS is only for optimizations. Things will break if you 
specify -m32 in MPICH2LIB_F90FLAGS, since it won't show up in mpif90.

>> The CFLAGS will be included within mpicc; they won't show up externally. 
> The configuration test that's blowing up isn't using mpicc, it's 
> invoking gcc directly.  Here's the relevant output from "configure":

Thanks. If this is happening in the tests directory, then it looks like 
something is broken. I'll look into it this weekend.

  -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji

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