[mvapich-discuss] Error while compiling mvapich-1.1 with sunstudio

Thomas Bach bachth at uni-mainz.de
Fri Nov 28 08:32:39 EST 2008


I missinterpreted some signs in my last mail. Compilation still
fails. With the original make.mvapich.gen2 shipped by your
distribution it stops somewhere at viainit.c.

I changed that a bit to get shared-libs, f90-modules, and to
explicitly compile the f77 stuff (which it doesn't by defautl).

So that the configure command looks like this:
./configure --with-device=ch_gen2 --with-arch=LINUX -prefix=${PREFIX} \
	--with-romio --without-mpe -lib="$LIBS" --enable-cxx --enable-f77 \
        --enable-f90modules --enable-f90 --enable-sharedlib 2>&1 |tee config-mine.log

Now viainit.c compiles, but I get errors with cpplib which are
ignored. The test-routine still crashes with the same output as the
last compilation without adapted configure.

Also I can't find any fortran files in the installation.

        Thomas Bach.

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