[mvapich-discuss] invalid communicator

Dan Kokron daniel.s.kokron at nasa.gov
Tue Nov 11 17:37:07 EST 2008

I am seeing the following error message while running under mvapich-1.1rc1.

151 - MPI_SCATTERV : Communicator argument is not a valid communicator
Special bit pattern 37c00000 in communicator is incorrect.  May indicate an
out-of-order argument or a freed communicator

I noticed that a similar issue was raised in this forum in July and was followed up in Sept. with

The followup does not indicate the coding error that was fixed.  What
coding error should I be looking for in my code?  Any other suggestions
to try?

mpif90 -show
ln -s /home/dkokron/play/mvapich-1.1rc1/include/mpif.h mpif.h
/usr/local/intel/comp/9.1.052/bin/ifort -L/usr/lib64
-L/home/dkokron/play/mvapich-1.1rc1/lib -lmpichf90nc -lmpich
-L/usr/lib64 -Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib64 -libverbs -libumad -lpthread
-lpthread -lrt

Dan Kokron
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Daniel.S.Kokron at nasa.gov
Phone: (301) 614-5192
Fax:   (301) 614-5304

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