[mvapich-discuss] Execution problem

Srikanth Gumma srikanth.gumma at Locuz.com
Wed May 7 01:33:55 EDT 2008

Hi Joshua,

I tried with ulimit -l unlimited, But it didn't work

Please let me know any other options


-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Bernstein [mailto:jbernstein at penguincomputing.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 8:41 AM
To: Srikanth Gumma
Cc: mvapich-discuss at cse.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: [mvapich-discuss] Execution problem

Hi Srikanth,

On May 6, 2008, at 7:49 PM, Srikanth Gumma wrote:

> libibverbs: Warning: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK is 32768 bytes.
>     This will severely limit memory registrations.
> libibverbs: Warning: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK is 32768 bytes.

This tells me that perhaps you, as a user aren't able to lock as much  
memory as required to startup the job. Can you give it a shot as root?

In BASH you, as root, can adjust your ulimit to unlimited to see if  
the problem goes away:

# ulimit -l unlimited

If this works, then you need to adjust /etc/security/limits.conf and  
relogin to enable the change.

-Joshua Bernstein
Software Engineer
Penguin Computing

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