[mvapich-discuss] Using RDMA CM with MVAPICH2

Keshetti Mahesh keshetti85-student at yahoo.co.in
Tue May 6 05:21:08 EDT 2008

I'vecouple of more questions to ask you.

Below are the steps mentioned in MVAPICH user guide for
running MPI application with RDMA CM support.

*• Setup the RDMA CM device: RDMA CM device needs to be
setup, configured with an IP address and connected to the network.*

I have two machines (n0 and n1)connected with one ethernet interface
and 2 IB interfaces in each. And /etc/hosts on both machines is like
below.   n0   n1   n0_ib0   n0_ib1   n1_ib0   n1_ib0

Now If I want to run an MPI job on both of the nodes what should I
mention in the *'hostfile'* given to MPI ("n0, n1"  or "n0_ib0, n1_ib0 ... "
) ?

*• Setup the Local Address File: Create the file (/etc/mv2.conf) with the
local IP address to be used by RDMA CM.
$ echo >> /etc/mv2.conf*

Why is this file (/etc/mv2.conf) required ? Is it required to be present on
all nodes?

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