[mvapich-discuss] install mvapich when there are two gcc in the system

zhang yigang zhangyg at mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Wed Mar 26 01:00:02 EDT 2008

Dear All:

I had to use ATLAS for my calculation code VASP. The new ATLAS need to be compiled using gcc 4.2. So I install gcc4.2. Everything seems fine. I can use the new ATLAS in VASP now using the old mvapich-1.0 that I compiled without the gcc4.2. However, when I deleted the old mvapich that I compiled when there was no gcc 4.2 in my system and recompiled mvapich-1.0, the compiling seems OK, but when I run mpicc or mpif90, it always say:

/opt/intel/fce/10.1.012/lib/for_mai.o(.text+0x26): In function 'main'::undefined reference to 'MAIN__"

Runnning mpicc is similar.

I think it is probably caused by a conflict between the two gcc and a link problem. The old gcc is in /usr/bin, the new gcc is in /usr/local/bin. Could anyone kindly tell me how to remedy such a problem? Thanks greatly

yigang Zhang
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