[mvapich-discuss] Announcing the release of MVAPICH2 1.0.3

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Tue Jun 10 17:58:25 EDT 2008

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the release of MVAPICH2 1.0.3
version. This is a bug-fix release.

Specific changes (compared to MVAPICH2 1.0.2) are as follows:

- Add additional synchronization before pthread_cancel() call in
  finalization to avoid killing the thread that is supposed to
  acknowledge outstanding IB events. Thanks to David Kewley from Dell
  for reporting this issue.

- Post buffers before accepting QP connections for iWARP mode. Thanks to
  Steve Wise for reporting this issue.

- Fix a startup performance issue when on-demand connection setup is not

- Configurable MPD mpiexec based on the number of processes.

Detailed CHANGELOG for MVAPICH2 versions can be obtained by visiting
the following URL:


We strongly encourage MVAPICH2 users to update their installations to this
latest version.

For downloading MVAPICH2 1.0.3, associated user guide and accessing the
SVN, please visit the following URL:


This version is also being made available through OFED 1.3.1.

All feedbacks, including bug reports and hints for performance tuning,
patches and enhancements are welcome. Please post it to the
mvapich-discuss mailing list.



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