[mvapich-discuss] Help with polled desc error revisited

Craig Tierney Craig.Tierney at noaa.gov
Tue Jul 22 15:02:09 EDT 2008

Back in January 2008, there was a thread about some users getting
the following error messages:

[9] Abort: Error code in polled desc!
  at line 1229 in file rdma_iba_priv.c

I did not see a resolution to this problem.  Did anyone
find a solution?

I am trying to run some applications that were compiled under
the following setup:

Dual-core Woodcrest, RHAS 4.4, Intel 9.1, OFED, Mvapich2-1.0

I am now trying to run these applications under a new environment:

Quad-core Harpertown, Centos 5.1, Intel 9.1, OFED 1.3.1, Mvapich2-1.0

Our goal is to minimize the changes in the environment, while getting
on a new OS base.

Some executables that ran properly on the Woodcrest system do not
run on the Harpertown system.  Not all codes exhibit this problem.
If the codes are run on 4 cores per host (vs. 8), they launch correctly.

I have tried tweaking the limit for stacksize (because we generally set
them to unlimited), but this did not help.

I did find that using MV2_USE_SHAM=1 on the Harpertown image caused codes
to fail when sending certain sized messages.  I wonder if there is
another variable that could affect startup.


Craig Tierney (craig.tierney at noaa.gov)

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