[mvapich-discuss] Intel AMD run

jasjit singh singh.jasjit at yahoo.co.in
Fri Aug 1 11:50:40 EDT 2008


I am running PALLAS v2.2 over mvapich2-1.0.1.
We have Silverstorm's Infiniband cards.
I am using OFED-
I have tried with both gen2 and udapl stacks. Both give the same result for all my runs.
OS is RHEL4-U5  2.6.9-55.ELlargesmp

First I ran it between two Intel (Xeon) machines with number of processes equal to two. It went through successfully.

Then I ran between two AMD (Opteron) machines with the same number of processes. It also went through.

Thereafter I tried between one Intel machine and one AMD machine. Then it didn't run. It was stuck at the very start(Output file is attached).

Has anybody tried this kind of thing earlier?

have also tried, between Intel and AMD, a DAPL level application that
does dat_ep_post_rdma_write() continuously in a bidirectional manner.
This was running finely.

Has MPI something specific to Intel and/or AMD architectures ?
Can I do some work around to make it run?
Or I am not supposed to run this across different architectures ?

I tried one other variation by compiliing MPI (udapl) without two flags namely _SMP_ and RDMA_FAST_PATH.
Then also it was running finely.
So does it have anything to do with RDMA_FAST_PATH flag ?

Thanks in advance,
Jasjit Singh

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