[mvapich-discuss] IB is not loading

Christopher Tanner christopher.tanner at gatech.edu
Tue Apr 15 19:20:59 EDT 2008

Sorry to keep hassling everyone, but I have received several potential  
solutions to my problem, but none have worked (or I'm a little to  
novice to understand what to do). Thanks for all your help though.  
Here's another try...

I'm pretty sure the IB drivers are not loading and I don't know how to  
load them. Here's the error I get when trying to execute the  
osu_latency benchmark in mvapich2:

libibverbs: Fatal: couldn't read uverbs ABI version.
Fatal error in MPI_Init:
Other MPI error, error stack:
MPIR_Init_thread(259)...........: Initialization failed
MPID_Init(102)..................: channel initialization failed
MPIDI_CH3I_RMDA_init(115).......: rdma_get_control_parameters
rdma_open_hca(367)..............: No IB device found
rank 3 in job 1  master.cl.ae.gatech.edu_41302   caused collective  
abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 3: return code 1

Matt suggested running 'ibstat', which doesn't exist on my machine.  
I'm executing the script on four separate nodes via a machinefile (not  
the master), all of which have OFED and mvapich2 installed.

So... I'm essentially looking for a way to load the drivers. Rebooting  
the master and each node post install didn't work. Anyone have any  
thoughts? Thanks!

Chris Tanner
Space Systems Design Lab
Georgia Institute of Technology
christopher.tanner at gatech.edu

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