[mvapich-discuss] Does MVAPICH have to be on each node to setup a ring?

Christopher Lee Tanner christopher.tanner at gatech.edu
Tue Apr 8 14:58:29 EDT 2008

All -

I'm a getting an error when trying to execute mpdboot. My command is:
$ mpdboot --rsh=rsh -n 16

I receive this error:
masternode (handle_mpd_output 396): from mpd on node9, invald port info:
bash: /usr/local/mvapich2/bin/mpd.py: No such file or directory

I'm not savvy enough to setup the SSH stuff between the nodes, so that's 
why I use the 'rsh' option. Do I need to copy mvapich2 to the /usr/local 
directory on each node in order to start up the ring? Thanks!

~Chris Tanner

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