[mvapich-discuss] MVAPICH 1.0-beta is available

Dhabaleswar Panda panda at cse.ohio-state.edu
Fri Oct 26 22:28:00 EDT 2007

The MVAPICH team is pleased to announce the availability of MVAPICH
1.0-beta with the following NEW features:

- New OpenFabrics Gen2 Unreliable-Datagram (UD)-based design 
  for large-scale InfiniBand clusters (multi-thousand cores)
   - delivers performance and scalability with constant 
     memory footprint for communication contexts 
   - zero-copy protocol for large data transfer
   - shared memory communication between cores within a node
   - multi-core optimized collectives 
     (MPI_Bcast, MPI_Barrier, MPI_Reduce and MPI_Allreduce)    

- New features for OpenFabrics Gen2-IB interface
   - support for asynchronous progress at both sender and receiver
     to overlap computation and communication
   - support for ConnectX adapter
   - multi-core optimized collectives (MPI_Bcast)
   - tuned collectives (MPI_AlltoAll, MPI_Bcast) 
     based on network adapter characteristics 
   - network-level fault tolerance with Automatic Path Migration (APM)
     for tolerating intermittent network failures over InfiniBand.
   - enhanced coalescing support with varying degree of coalescing 
   - enhanced mpirun_rsh to provide scalable launching on 
     multi-thousand node clusters 

- New Support for Qlogic InfiniPath adapters
   - high-performance point-to-point communication
   - optimized collectives (MPI_Bcast and MPI_Barrier) with k-nomial
     algorithms while exploiting multi-core architecture 

For downloading MVAPICH 1.0-beta, associated user guide and
accessing the anonymous SVN, please visit the following URL:


All feedbacks, including bug reports and hints for performance tuning,
are welcome. Please post it to the mvapich-discuss mailing list.



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