[mvapich-discuss] mvapich2-0.9.8 blacs problems (Another)

Bas van der Vlies basv at sara.nl
Mon Mar 26 06:54:22 EDT 2007


  We still have problems with mvapich2 0.9.8 + patches and blacs. Here 
is another file attached, build/run command:

mpif90  -o pdgemr2dtest.$brand -ff2c -Wall -g pdgemr2dtest.f90
-lscalapack -lfblacs -lcblacs -lblacs -llapack -latlas

echo 310 16 1000 | mpiexec -n $nprocs <program_name>

The problems always occurs if we do many loops. It will consume more and 
more memory and then it crash with the following error:

loop n mb nprocs npcol nprow   83  310   16    8    4    2
loop n mb nprocs npcol nprow   84  310   16    8    4    2
loop n mb nprocs npcol nprow   85  310   16    8    4    2
rank 7 in job 1  ib-r6n18.irc.sara.nl_7000   caused collective abort of 
all ranks
   exit status of rank 7: killed by signal 9
rank 6 in job 1  ib-r6n18.irc.sara.nl_7000   caused collective abort of 
all ranks
   exit status of rank 6: killed by signal 9
rank 4 in job 1  ib-r6n18.irc.sara.nl_7000   caused collective abort of 
all ranks
   exit status of rank 4: killed by signal 9

*                                                                  *
*  Bas van der Vlies                     e-mail: basv at sara.nl      *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services    phone:  +31 20 592 8012   *
*  Kruislaan 415                         fax:    +31 20 6683167    *
*  1098 SJ Amsterdam                                               *
*                                                                  *
-------------- next part --------------
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