[mvapich-discuss] MVAPICH Assertion Error

Thomas O'Shea THOMAS.T.O'SHEA at saic.com
Mon Jun 25 17:41:04 EDT 2007

My email is back online, so I'm not sure if this made it to you guys:

Hi, I posted about a problem with mvapich2 and communicating inside a
node using smp. My computer died and along with it my email, so I'm
using this email account to post a test code that I put together to
illustrate the error I'm getting.

This code builds 2 arrays on each processor, and then tries to have
the master process (rank = 0) grab the arrays from each other ranks
using remote memory communication with passive synchrization.

On our system this code will run until it gets to a process that is on
the same node and then it gives the SMP assertion error.

It was a hard bug to track down because so many things will make it go
away, such as switching the order of the 2 arrays that are passed. If
you pass the larger array first (buff_x), there is no error.

Hope this helps, and thanks for you time in looking into this.

Thomas O'Shea
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