[mvapich-discuss] OSU benchmarks

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jul 27 17:15:34 EDT 2007

Hi all,

We are planning to include the OSU benchmarks in our release testing given 
their growing popularity. But it looks like though some of them (e.g., 
osu_acc_latency) are intended for 2 processes, the tests themselves do not 
add any check to ensure that they are run on two processes. It's probably 
not really that big a deal, but it'll be convenient if such a check was 
added. Will you be willing to patch these benchmarks with a small check to 
abort if they are not run with the appropriate number of processes? I've 
attached a sample patch with this email.

Also, are these tests only available online individually, or are they 
packaged as a test suite (with a Makefile and README, possibly)? If they 
aren't, would you consider packaging them and releasing them separately as 


  -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji,
Mathematics and Computer Science,
Argonne National Laboratory
Ph: 630.252.3017
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