[mvapich-discuss] Odd behavior with memory registration / dreg / MVAPICH and MVAPICH2

Eric A. Borisch eborisch at ieee.org
Fri Dec 21 10:23:22 EST 2007

I seem to be running into a memory registration issue.


1) During some transfers (MPI_Isend / MPI_Irecv / MPI_Waitall) into a
local buffer on the root rank, I receive all of the data from any
ranks that are running on the same machine, but only part (or none at
all) of the data from ranks running on external machines. The transfer
length is above the eager/rendezvous threshold.
2) Once the problem occurs, it is persistent. However, if I force
MVAPICH to re-register by calling "while(dreg_evict())" at this point
and then re-transfer, the correct data is received. (Same memory being
transferred from / to.)
3) I've only witnessed problems occurring above the 4G (as returned by
malloc()) memory range.
4) When I receive partial data from ranks, the data ends on a (4k)
page bound. Data past this bound (which should have been updated) is
unchanged during the transfer, yet both the sender and receiver report
no errors. (This is very bad!)
5) Stepping through the code on both ends of the transfer shows the
software agreeing on the (correct) length and location as far down as
I can follow it.
6) Running against a compilation with no -DLAZY_MEM_UNREGISTER shows
no issues. (Other than the expected performance hit.)
7) Occurs on both MVAPICH-1.0-beta (vapi_multirail) and mvapich2-1.0 (vapi)
8) The user code is also sending data out (from a different buffer)
over ethernet to a remote gui from the root node.

I can't move to gen2 at this point -- we are using a vendor library
for interfacing to another system, and this library uses VAPI.

uname -a output:
Linux rt2.mayo.edu 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Aug 23 13:38:27 BST
2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Intel SE7520JR2 motherboards. 4G physical ram on each node.

It appears (perhaps this is obvious) that the assumption that memory
registered (by the dreg.c code) remains registered until explicitly
unregistered (again, by the dreg.c code) is being violated in some
way. This, however, is wading in to uncharted (for me, at least) linux
memory management waters. The user code is doing nothing to fiddle
with registration in any explicit way. (With the exception of as
mentioned in (2))

Please let me know what other information I can provide to resolve
this. I'm still trying to put together a small test program to cause
the problem, but have been unsuccessful so far.

Eric A. Borisch
eborisch at ieee.org

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